A whole section of downloadable eBooks. These are free to use, We will be adding more when I can get them. Some of them are old editions, but they are still useful.
The basics
SAS Survival handbook 2nd edition
US Army FM 2176 Survival Manual
How to find your way map reading
The SAS Self-Defence Handbook
First Aid
Full First Aid Manual FM-2111
Survival personal wilderness medical kit
Medical Survival Wound Closure Manual
Wilderness Medicine Course
Where there is No Dentist
Australian Bushcraft
Woodsman ship
Bushcraft leatherwork
Bushcraft scouting woodlore
Flint knapping
Basic book of knots and lashings
Knots-Splices Attachments
Essential Fishing knots
Ropes Knots Ladders Lashings Anchorages
Handbook of Knots Splices
Sea scout knots
Knots and String
Tying farm knots
What Knot Useful Knots for Scouting and Climbing
Knots splices and rope work